Wednesday, September 29, 2010

5 Good Reasons to Put a Witch in the Senate

Christine O’Donnell may have dabbled in witchcraft ? but is that any reason to keep her out of Congress?

Judy Bachrach | 09/23/2010 3:45 pm

Unlike W’s former chief adviser, Karl Rove, who thinks that senatorial candidate Christine O’Donnell’s erstwhile witchcraft dabbling is a possible campaign minus, something she needs to "explain" immediately "and put it in its most sympathetic light and move on," I’m not at all sure Chrissy needs to be so hasty.

What does she really have to apologize for?

In fact, if we really think about it, coven-lovin’ and witchcraft in general might actually be a big plus for the Tea-Partyette.

Let’s imagine for a moment that Delaware’s Palin-lookalike was glossing things over a tad when she told Bill Maher in 1999, "I never joined a coven." ...


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