Monday, September 27, 2010

Dear Margo: When Mom's in the Dating Market

How do I nicely tell my mom to lighten up? Margo Howard’s advice

Margo Howard | 09/24/2010 12:00 am

When Mom’s in the Dating Market

Dear Margo: As an adolescent, a teen and then a 20-something, I always thought that by the time I was in my 30s, my mother and I would finally see eye to eye, as I would have finally reached the status of "adult." Well, here I am. And there she is. It seems the older she gets the more difficult she becomes. It’s her way or the highway. Coupled with this are her hypersensitivity and insecurity. She’s touchier than ever and takes everything personally.

Now Mom is single again — and trying to date. The problem? Her insecurity stops her from "putting herself out there." What if no one asks her out? What if she’s not asked on a ...


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