Monday, September 27, 2010

DEMO Awards Ceremony: $1M Prize & Closing (Watch Free)

DEMO Awards Ceremony: $1M Prize & Closing (Watch Free)
The DEMO conferences in the United States and China focus on emerging technologies and new products innovations, all of which are thoroughly vetted from applications across the spectrum of the technology marketplace. At each DEMO event, a hand-selected group of the new products are introduced to the world for the very first time to an audience of trade and mainstream media; angel and venture investors; corporate development officers, and other entrepreneurs and technophiles.

Over the past 20 years, the DEMO conferences have earned their reputation for consistently identifying tomorrow's cutting-edge technologies, and have served as launch pad events for companies like VMWare, Boingo Wireless, Palm, E*Trade, Tivo, Handspring, and U.S. Robotics, thereby helping them to secure venture funding, establish critical business relationships, and influence early adopters. The DEMO Conferences are Produced by the IDG Enterprise events group in conjunction with VentureBeat. For more information on the DEMO conferences, visit
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 2010 16:55:00 -0700
Location: Santa Clara, CA, Hyatt Regency, DEMO
Program and discussion:


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