Monday, October 18, 2010

In Illinois, rail passengers stand up for trains [VIDEO]

by Sarah Goodyear.

Trains. People love them. People use them to ride to work, to school, to visit friends and family.

This in spite of the years and years of neglect and underfunding of our nation’s rail system. Not to mention the current political atmosphere, in which many Republican politicians are opposing the Obama administration’s plans to build more railroads.

The Midwest High Speed Rail Association recently launched a campaign called Stand Up for Trains, and made this little video asking riders in Illinois what they wanted to say to government officials about funding rail service. It shows a pretty sweet cross-section of rail passengers.

“I think that government should stand up for trains so that people can get to work. And it cuts down on pollution and congestion in the streets,” says one of the women interviewed. Makes sense, right?

Related Links:

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IBM’s OneCity urban fix-it game

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