Monday, October 18, 2010

Shameful: Sarah Palin Uses Pat Tillman for "War Propaganda"

By Mark Berman Opposing Views

Sarah Palin is facing criticism for bringing up the name Pat Tillman, who was killed in action in Afghanistan, while speaking in his hometown of San Jose last week. Here's what Palin had to say:


The web site PoliticusUSA takes Palin to task for mixing Tillman with God, writing:

The problem is, Pat Tillman did not believe in God and nor does his family. His brother, Richard, expressed his disgust for people talking about God at Pat’s funeral on Bill Maher’s show just weeks ago. [video below] And Pat Tillman did not want to be used as a political weapon and most certainly not as war propaganda. His death was covered up by our military and made to look like Tillman had died “fighting for our country,” when in fact he had been killed by friendly fire.

And Palin shouldn’t go to San Jose and think that just because she’s in the city where Pat lived, she can or should co-opt his death for her pro-war propaganda. Is there nothing sacred in Palin’s mind or heart? Palin thinks her religion trumps everything and everyone else, so much so that she would rather use Pat Tillman’s memory for her own purpose than to be respectful of him and his family.


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