Friday, October 22, 2010

N.Y. Governor Needs More Than a Cool Mustache

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Rent Is Too Damn High, Rent Is Too Damn High Party, Jimmy McMillan

The recent New York governor's debate was part political forum and part circus side show.

And the clown featured in the center ring was Jimmy McMillan, leader of the Rent Is Too Damn High Party.

Sporting the coolest mustache seen on an American politician since the 1900s, McMillan rallied against the high cost of living in New York with the frequent refrain, "The rent is too damn high!" With that phrase, McMillan stole the news media spotlight from his more conventional colleagues on the debate panel.

Too bad McMillan's story is a lot like what we get from other politicians: a dressed-up half-truth.

McMillan doesn't pay any rent himself.

He works off the $800-a-month rent for his Flatbush apartment by doing maintenance work.

To be fair, the fact that McMillan doesn't pay rent doesn't mean he can't be an effective spokesman for working class New Yorkers. The problem is that McMillan isn't offering any solutions on how to lower rents in New York.

Beyond that, if you are going to rail against high rents to the point that you name your entire political party after that sentiment, wouldn't you make sure that you do indeed pay rent?

Despite his little game with the truth, I see a bright future for McMillan and his non-rent paying behind.

With his dramatic rhetoric, entertaining style of talking (and most of all) that great mustache, you can almost see a television show or radio opportunity for McMillan once this election is over.

And with New York's serious financial problems awaiting the new governor, a job on television or the radio is probably the better alternative.


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