Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Liz Smith: What does shy Bruce Springsteen have in common with Liza Minnelli?

More from our Gossip Girl: Eminem’s breakfast … Ryan Kwanten’s photoshoot rules … Broadway-bound Chita Rivera … The Beacon to host the Tony Awards

Liz Smith | 11/12/2010 12:00 am

Liz Smith

"I AM an alienated person by nature, always have been, still am to this day. It continues to be an issue in my life ? I’m always operating from a distance, and I’m always trying to overcome my own internal reticence. Why it is funny ? because I throw myself the opposite way onstage."

That’s rock god Bruce Springsteen talking to Rolling Stone magazine. I always felt Bruce was a shy guy at heart, despite his sexy, athletic stage persona.

Bruce was talking to RS promoting the reissue of his iconic 1978 album, "Source: http://www.wowowow.com/culture/liz-smith-what-does-shy-bruce-springsteen-have-common-liza-minnelli-510998


Brave 13-Year-Old Takes a Bullet for Baby Brother, Left Paralyzed

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Brave 13-Year-Old Takes a Bullet for Baby Brother, Left Paralyzed

A North Miami Beach 13-year-old boy stood in the way of his mother's crazed boyfriend and took a bullet for his 2-year-old brother. Now, the heroic youth is left paralyzed.

Gunman Mark Glinton, 37, went on a shooting rampage after he and girlfriend Evelina Jack, who was about six weeks pregnant with their child had accused him of having an affair. The argument got heated and Glinton snapped.

According to the children in the Jack household, Ashleigh (pictured above, center), 14; Quentin (pictured above, left), 13; Xavier (pictured above, right), 10 and Kristian (pictured on Ashleigh's lap), 2, Glinton became enraged and gunned down their mother. The out-of-control Publix supermarket security guard then went after the youngest child.

Quentin immediately jumped in front of Glinton's gun in order to shield his little brother from the bullet that would have probably killed him. The boy was shot in the back but his toddler brother was spared. Glinton drew his gun again, then shot the eldest child Ashleigh three times. Xavier was next, he was struck in the stomach and side.

After Glinton had shot Quentin, the young hero played dead until he could muster up the strength to make it over to a neighbor's house to summon for help.

Meanwhile Glinton, who was still married to someone else but living with Evelina and who had managed to open fire on all of his intended victims, then turned the weapon on himself.

View more news videos at: http://www.nbcmiami.com/video.

Veteran North Miami Beach Police Chief Raphael Hernandez Jr. who has worked in the field for nearly 40 years told the Daily Mail: 'It's one of the most horrific incidents that we've seen.' Apparently, Glinton's estranged wife had phoned police to confirm the fact that her husband had a violent past.

Investigators say that Glinton had not only beaten up Evelina throughout their relationship but had also pulled a gun on her as well. Police say that Eveline had been keeping the abusive partnership a secret.

All of the victims were taken to a local hospital. Quentin and Xavier are listed as critical and Ashleigh's condition is stable. Glinton is still alive and also in critical condition. Sadly, Quentin has been left paralyzed from the chest down. Youngest child Kristian was not injured and is staying with relatives.

Xavier's father Wils Dorleus told the Sun Sentinel that he's just learning about the extent of violence in the household from his son's hospital bed. "He said 'Daddy I was scared to tell you that he beat me, he beat all of us and mommy. I didn't want him to beat you too,' '' Dorleus said, choking back tears. According to Dorleus, the deceased woman's eldest child Ashleigh is the only one who knows of her mother's death.


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Source: http://www.bvblackspin.com/2010/11/26/brave-13-year-old-takes-a-bullet-for-baby-brother-left-paralyze/


Majority Continue to Support DADT Repeal

A new Pew Research survey has found that a large majority of Americans support allowing gays and lesbians to serve openly in the military, 58% to 27%.

But the politics: "Large majorities of Democrats (70%) and independents (62%) favor allowing gays to serve openly. Republicans are divided (40% favor, 44% oppose)... Only about four-in-ten (38%) Republicans and Republican leaners who agree with the Tea Party favor allowing gays to serve openly while 48% are opposed."

Greg Sargent notes that "moderate Republican rank-and-filers strongly favor DADT's repeal. Indeed, the only group that opposes repeal are conservative Republicans."

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/PoliticalWire/~3/4WvDmLpbhsU/majority_continue_to_support_dadt_repeal.html


Brave 13-Year-Old Takes a Bullet for Baby Brother, Left Paralyzed

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Brave 13-Year-Old Takes a Bullet for Baby Brother, Left Paralyzed

A North Miami Beach 13-year-old boy stood in the way of his mother's crazed boyfriend and took a bullet for his 2-year-old brother. Now, the heroic youth is left paralyzed.

Gunman Mark Glinton, 37, went on a shooting rampage after he and girlfriend Evelina Jack, who was about six weeks pregnant with their child had accused him of having an affair. The argument got heated and Glinton snapped.

According to the children in the Jack household, Ashleigh (pictured above, center), 14; Quentin (pictured above, left), 13; Xavier (pictured above, right), 10 and Kristian (pictured on Ashleigh's lap), 2, Glinton became enraged and gunned down their mother. The out-of-control Publix supermarket security guard then went after the youngest child.

Quentin immediately jumped in front of Glinton's gun in order to shield his little brother from the bullet that would have probably killed him. The boy was shot in the back but his toddler brother was spared. Glinton drew his gun again, then shot the eldest child Ashleigh three times. Xavier was next, he was struck in the stomach and side.

After Glinton had shot Quentin, the young hero played dead until he could muster up the strength to make it over to a neighbor's house to summon for help.

Meanwhile Glinton, who was still married to someone else but living with Evelina and who had managed to open fire on all of his intended victims, then turned the weapon on himself.

View more news videos at: http://www.nbcmiami.com/video.

Veteran North Miami Beach Police Chief Raphael Hernandez Jr. who has worked in the field for nearly 40 years told the Daily Mail: 'It's one of the most horrific incidents that we've seen.' Apparently, Glinton's estranged wife had phoned police to confirm the fact that her husband had a violent past.

Investigators say that Glinton had not only beaten up Evelina throughout their relationship but had also pulled a gun on her as well. Police say that Eveline had been keeping the abusive partnership a secret.

All of the victims were taken to a local hospital. Quentin and Xavier are listed as critical and Ashleigh's condition is stable. Glinton is still alive and also in critical condition. Sadly, Quentin has been left paralyzed from the chest down. Youngest child Kristian was not injured and is staying with relatives.

Xavier's father Wils Dorleus told the Sun Sentinel that he's just learning about the extent of violence in the household from his son's hospital bed. "He said 'Daddy I was scared to tell you that he beat me, he beat all of us and mommy. I didn't want him to beat you too,' '' Dorleus said, choking back tears. According to Dorleus, the deceased woman's eldest child Ashleigh is the only one who knows of her mother's death.


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Source: http://www.bvblackspin.com/2010/11/26/brave-13-year-old-takes-a-bullet-for-baby-brother-left-paralyze/


Mr. wOw Considers Contentious Interviews

While liberals Maddow and Stewart bicker, W. stands firm on pro- book-buying stance

Mr. Wow | 11/14/2010 11:15 am

Mr. wOw has had big headaches recently. So big he has not been able to wrap his head around certain current events.�

Bad movies I’ve caught on cable haven’t helped.� I enjoy a good bad movie ? "Showgirls," "Valley of the Dolls," or "Secret Ceremony." But sitting through crap like "The Box" and "The Lovely Bones" just about did me in. "The Box" was simply sadistic. The low point for Cameron Diaz. "The Lovely Bones" left me screaming with frustration and with a new loathing of CGI. (I understand Source: http://www.wowowow.com/pov/mr-wow-contentious-interviews-jon-stewart-rachel-maddow-bill-oreilly-george-w-bush-lovely-bones-cameron-diaz-511624


Poll: Most favor gays serving openly

As opponents of the military?s Don?t Ask, Don?t Tell policy prepare a final push for repeal during Congress?s lame duck session, polling shows that they?ve got the wind of public opinion at their backs.As opponents of the military?s Don?t Ask, Don?t Tell policy prepare a final push for repeal during Congress?s lame duck session, polling shows that they?ve got the wind of public opinion at their backs.

Source: http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2010/11/29/5545014-poll-most-favor-gays-serving-openly-


Monday, November 29, 2010

Long Conversation with Ken Foster and Pete Worden

Long Conversation with Ken Foster and Pete Worden
Long Conversation, an epic relay of one-to-one conversations among some of the Bay Area's most interesting minds, took place over six hours in San Francisco on Saturday, October 16, 02010. Interpreting the Long Conversation in real time was a data visualization performance by Sosolimited; an art and technology studio out of M.I.T.

Long Conversation was presented with a live performance of 1,000 minutes of composer Jem Finer's Longplayer.
Date: Sat, 16 Oct 2010 00:00:00 -0700
Location: San Francisco, CA, Contemporary Jewish Museum, Long Now Foundation
Program and discussion: http://fora.tv/2010/10/16/Long_Conversation_with_Ken_Foster_and_Pete_Worden

Source: http://fora.tv/2010/10/16/Long_Conversation_with_Ken_Foster_and_Pete_Worden


Fantasia Takes Witness Stand in Boyfriend's Divorce and Admits Pregnancy then Abortion

R&B singer Fantasia Barrino took the witness stand in Charlotte, N.C., on Monday to testify in the divorce of her boyfriend, Antuan Cook. The once-upon-a-time "American Idol" winner admitted she knew right from the start that he was a married man still living with his spouse.

Related Articles

The controversial performer said she dated Cook on and off for nearly a year.

Meanwhile, the scorned wife, Paula, who filed for divorce last August, is seeking custody of the couple's two children and spousal support. Paula has also cited "alienation of affection" in her divorce proceedings and has pointed the finger at Fantasia, the newfound object of her husband's affections.

Since the singer and now reality show star lives in Charlotte, adultery is still considered a crime in the state as a misdemeanor. Jilted spouses whose marriages have been torn apart by outside romantic interferences have usually made out like bandits in divorce settlements and in punitive damages for alienation.

Although reporters were not allowed in the courtroom, an unidentified Cook family member shared a few tidbits with RadarOnline. The source revealed that Fantasia allegedly admitted on the witness stand that she had gotten pregnant and aborted the child right before her August 9th suicide attempt earlier this year.

The 26-year-old singer tried to kill herself by overdosing on aspirin, after feeling overwhelmed by all of the negative press surrounding her relationship with a married man. Fantasia's suicide attempt was chronicled on her VH-1 reality hit show "Fantasia For Real."

Fantasia and Paula reportedly met earlier this month to reach some sort of settlement through court mediation. Unfortunately, the two women could not come to a happy medium even after 12 hours of discussions.

There are reports that Fantasia and Cook are still a hot and heavy item. And what about the long suffering wife?

"Paula is not doing too well, having to hear all this in court and replay it all over, she's emotionally torn," one source close to the woman told RadarOnline.


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Source: http://www.bvblackspin.com/2010/11/23/fantasia-takes-witness-stand-in-boyfriends-divorce-and-admits-p/


McCain: Time to discuss N. Korea 'regime change'

Planes fly in formation over the aircraft carrier USS George Washington in the seas east of the Korean peninsula on July 27. U.S. and South Korean ships got into position in the Yellow Sea on Sunday for the four-day exercise, said Cmdr. Jeff Davis, spokesman for the 7th Fleet in Yokosuka, Japan. Sen. John McCain said Sunday it was time to discuss "regime change" in North Korea, but the former Navy combat pilot didn't say how he advocates changing the government in the repressive and secretive dictatorship.

Source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/40407097/ns/world_news-asiapacific/


Oregon Rep. Walden: The GOP's Go-To Guy

Incoming House Speaker John Boehner has asked the GOP transition team to pore over every single rule, procedure and routine the House and its leaders follow -- and figure out what can be done better. The man leading the effort is Oregon Rep. Greg Walden.

Source: http://www.npr.org/2010/11/26/131615963/oregon-rep-walden-the-gop-s-go-to-guy?ft=1&f=1014


Toddler Dies After Drinking Methadone From Sippy Cup

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Toddler Dies After Drinking Methadone from Sippy Cup

Two-year-old Masia Wright died after ingesting a lethal amount of the drug methadone from his sippy cup. Investigators in Jacksonville, Fla., say that the toddler managed to get his hands on a sippy cup with methadone after his dad's girlfriend, Dana Anderson, left it on top of her four-foot-tall dresser.

The child's father, Ernest Wright, insists that Anderson could have never harmed the toddler intentionally. The grieving dad spoke to WJXT-TV about the tragic accident, "I just want everybody to know it was an accident she would never do nothing like that." Wright claims that his girlfriend treated his son as if he were one of her own children.

Methadone is used as a pain reliever and is often given as part of a drug-addiction detoxification and maintenance program. According to police reports, the amount of the drug, 80 milligrams, that was discovered in the toddler's sippy cup was four times the recommended daily dose for an adult.

Reportedly, Anderson has had prior arrests and some were drug related.

Anderson, who admitted to police investigators that she left the fatal substance in the sippy cup, was charged with aggravated manslaughter.

Bail for Anderson is set at $1 million.


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Source: http://www.bvblackspin.com/2010/11/27/toddler-dies-after-drinking-methadone-from-sippy-cup/


The Power of One

"One is four times as powerful as two," said Karl Hess. "One is nine times as powerful as three. One is sixteen times as powerful as four."

This was not math class. Nor business. It was speechwriting.

And master speechwriter Karl Hess was teaching me. One on one.

Karl Hess was best known as Barry Goldwater's speechwriter. But he was far more than that. He was a journalist, a gunrunner, businessman, Republican activist, New Left activist, Libertarian activist, author and speechwriter.

But on this day, Karl was showing me how to prune my speech into something elegant, simple, and direct.

I was writing a speech for a client. It had clever phrases and interesting insights. But it just didn't work. Something was wrong. So I called Karl Hess, and asked for help.

"You're making six points in this speech," he said. "The audience will applaud. They'll remember that the speaker was smart and deep, but they won't remember one single thing your client says.

"Six points is too many. Too much. Every great speech has one point. One assertion. One idea. One important and unforgettable idea."

I followed Karl's advice, re-wrote it as he advised, and my client gave an unforgettable speech. The audience loved it. More than a dozen organizations invited him to give the speech to their members. He grew into a local celebrity. And he sent me eight paying customers who wanted me to write them an unforgettable speech like his. A speech people talk about.

Karl Hess taught me the power of one.

In speeches. Essays. In conversations.

Each of Aesop's fables had one point. Not two. Not three. One lesson.

The parables of Jesus. One moral. Not two. Not three. One maxim.

Allegories. Myths. Teaching tales. Each offers one truth. Not two. Not three. One.

So, too, with the greatest libertarian books, essays, speeches, and conversations.

"Economics in One Lesson" by Henry Hazlitt has one point.

"Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand has one theme, one point, one thesis. As does "The Fountainhead."

Each of Frederic Bastiat's brilliant essays and pamphlets has one lesson.

Harry Browne's most unforgettable essays and speeches each make one point.

"Losing Ground" by Charles Murray. One devastatingly powerful point.

So, too, with my best essays, speeches, and conversations. And yours.

One point -- with several examples.

One idea -- applied to several different situations.

One insight -- viewed from several different perspectives.

One lesson -- tested and applied, taught and reviewed, learned and lived.

If you could reach and teach non-libertarians only one thing -- one unforgettable point that could change their lives forever -- what would it be?

What's your one vital freedom lesson?

What's your single, core message about individual liberty?

What's your one?

Because that's where you make a difference. With the power of one.

Michael Cloud is author of the acclaimed book Secrets of Libertarian Persuasion, available exclusively from the Advocates.

Source: http://www.theadvocates.org/blog/176.rss


Sunday, November 28, 2010

Pirate Party's North American Debut

adonoman writes "A 25-year-old Winnipeg businessman is the first Pirate Party of Canada candidate to run for federal election. At the same time, the US and UK pirate parties have put out an open letter to Anonymous requesting that they cease Operation Payback's DDOS attacks and focus on taking a legal route to fix intellectual property law."

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

Source: http://rss.slashdot.org/~r/Slashdot/slashdotPolitics/~3/yODx_5a7v-k/Pirate-Partys-North-American-Debut


Ask Umbra on Black Friday, giving thanks, and buying nothing

by Umbra Fisk.

Dearest readers,

This week, we’ve got two great holidays to celebrate. First, there’s Thanksgiving, followed by the ever wonderful Friday-after-Thanksgiving. It’s that one special day where many of us get a free pass from work and the chance to do whatever pleases us.

One of the things that seems to please us a bit too much is shopping. This coming Friday is known as Black Friday. It is a retailer’s dream, among the most shopping-intensive days of the year—second only to Dec. 24. Store-wide sales abound to lure consumers to consume and to aid retailers in their quest to get out of the red and into the black. It’s a savings stampede, as you can see in this Saturday Night Live Mega Mart commercial.

Want to enjoy a real savings stampede? Consider celebrating Buy Nothing Day. Enjoy a day without buying. Give your cash and credit cards a day off with you. Store them in the refrigerator next to your Thanksgiving leftovers. Trade, barter, and share. Enjoy the luxury of living the money-free life for a day. You deserve it.

What is Thanksgiving if not a time to give thanks for what we already have? Why buy more when we have so much? In lieu of shopping this year, I invite you to join me in the “attitude of gratitude.” Because when we feel good about what we have, we don’t feel like we need more.

I’ll get the ball of gratitude rolling. Here are three things I’m grateful for:

Baking soda. Pumpkin pie and Thanksgiving dinner with friends and family. You, dear readers. Thank you for caring and reading. You are the reason I get out of bed and wash my hair with said baking soda in the morning.

Now, what are you grateful for, readers? Share your gratitude in the comments below.

I’m feeling such an upwelling of thanks right now that I’d like to rename Black Friday/Buy Nothing Day. How about Giving Thanks Day? What would you like to call it? To further your resolve in celebrating this new holiday, whatever we end up calling it, do check out my Consumption Manifesto. It’s a map for how to streamline your life and still enjoy the heck out of it. This note from my editor says it all: “Ever wonder when We the People stopped being called citizens and started being called consumers? Take back your real identity, and take the consumption-crazy days from Thanksgiving to New Year’s in stride—with Umbra Fisk’s guide to graceful (and limited) consuming.”

Happy Friday-after-Thanksgiving to you all!


P.S. If you’re looking for something to do, consider reading Jonathan Franzen’s Freedom (borrowed from a friend, of course). We’ll be discussing it next week for the book club!

Other useful links for your holiday giving:

How to green your giving. Umbra on holiday donations. Umbra on holiday shopping. No Impact Man, Colin Beavan, on holidays without presents.

Related Links:

Turkey can be climate friendly; spinach, not so much [AUDIO]

Grist readers and staff share their renegade Thanksgiving plans

Giving thanks—to turkeys, without flinching [VIDEO]

Source: http://feeds.grist.org/click.phdo?i=e680f0a1da8a23ecfbcfc159d8414f94


Choosing America

By anniehamilton

Historically, the mightiest and most commanding of all civilizations have shared analogous characteristics. The average survival rate for each of these societies has been approximately 200 years, as recorded by British Professor Alexander Tyler, many decades ago, when writing of the Athenian Republic.

According to Tyler, the result of man’s maturity and progress through time is easily depicted in the sequence of events below:

‘Bondage to Spiritual Faith’
‘Spiritual Faith to Great Courage’
‘Great Courage to Abundance’
‘Abundance to Selfishness’
‘Selfishness to Complacency’
‘Complacency to Apathy’
‘Apathy to Dependency’
‘Dependency back to Bondage’

The Professor asserted that a democracy is unable to permanently exist as ‘solo’ form of government, once it’s discovered that human beings can vote for handouts from the public treasury, but that it will easily crumble at the feet of diffuse fiscal spending only to be followed by dictatorship.

What does this say about the current situation, here in America?

Following a manipulative process, fraught with fraud, irresponsible press and funded by the Shadow Party’s Soros, on January 20th, 2008, Officials leading the United States and its constituent state governments perpetuated a major procedural error by allowing an unqualified candidate to seek and attain the highest office in the land. They failed to uphold their US Constitutional requirements to insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the basic elements of liberty according to the intentions of the Founding Fathers as expressed in their earliest papers.

Constitutional requirements are clear, yet have been largely ignored, poked fun at and ridiculed for daring to demand that our most sacred regulatory process be respected and upheld. Lawsuits thrown out, appeals denied, justice mocked as this Administration, Congress, Senate and Supreme Court go about their business of dismantling America, brick by brick.

This unconstitutional attempt to machinate and redirect our Republic into some other form of government is preposterous. Will we remain a nation of laws, or shall we become like our neighbors in Europe, taxed without choice or representation, all services nationalized, further rolling out the welcome mat for Shar’iah law and the western penetration of Islam?

In a letter to James Warren, dated November 4, 1775 Samuel Adams declared that ‘No people will tamely surrender their Liberties, nor can any be easily subdued, when knowledge is diffused and Virtue is preserved. On the Contrary, when People are universally ignorant, and debauched in their Manners, they will sink under their own weight without the Aid of foreign Invaders’

One thing is for certain: with and since 2008’s election, America’s masses have reawakened.
But then, Jefferson did say that very generation needs a new revolution.

Source: http://www.opposingviews.com/i/choosing-america


What food pros are looking forward to this Thanksgiving

by Bonnie Azab Powell.

Those of us who write about food for a living don’t welcome Thanksgiving. It gets boring. (Five years ago, before Tom joined the staff of Grist, its editors commissioned him to write a Thanksgiving-themed piece.) Frankly, we think turkey kind of sucks: Most of what ends up on American tables has been raised in industrial feedlots and then, to add insult to injury, overcooked. The vegetable side dishes are all the same, from coast to coast: heavy on starch, low on flavor. The history of the holiday is troubling, too.

But even so, Thanksgiving is a national, convivial feast—here in the nation that invented car food and microwaved “lean cuisine.” That’s too rare and strange a thing to ignore amid our troubled, fragmented, often brutalized culinary landscape.

So we decided to set aside our knee-jerk curmudgeonliness and ask other food professionals how they make Thanksgiving interesting for themselves. Because, while this holiday for us has always been more about the company than the meal, we knew these folks would serve up something inspiring.

Tomorrow: Renegade Thanksgiving dishes from Grist readers and staffers.

Heidi Swanson, cookbook author (Super Natural Every Day , the follow-up to her award-winning first cookbook, is forthcoming) and creator of the influential blog 101 Cookbooks

I’m thinking about making a big pot of pozole this year. Each person in my family contributes to the Thanksgiving spread in one way or another— my mom makes the stuffing, my brother-in-law makes beer, dad tackles the turkey, and on and on. We have a mixed crowd of vegetarians and non-, so I usually step in with some sort of substantial vegetarian main dish. Pozole is on the menu this year, but last year I made this Hazelnut & Chard Ravioli Salad. Because the food at Thanksgiving can be so heavy, I like vegetables and salad options that aren’t. I like them fresh and bright, and preferably not cooked to death. I sometimes do green beans like this, or Brussels sprouts like this. For more, I keep a running list of Thanksgiving vegetarian favorites up to date here.

Deborah Madison, our go-to source for seasonal, vegetarian recipes and author (most recently) of Seasonal Fruit Desserts from Orchard, Farm and Market

What could be new at Thanksgiving? Make it a potluck, and be surprised by what others bring to the table.

With a potluck, people have only one dish to make, so they can really take time over it and do something more complex and special than they might otherwise. I’d be thrilled to make (and eat), a home-made lasagna with wild mushrooms, for example—something I wouldn’t just casually do. And since I love making dessert, I might make four or five of them, including something that’s very light and cool, like the tangerine pudding from Seasonal Fruit Desserts.  

One of my favorite things to do, and it’s never the same twice, is to construct a large platter of fruit, nuts roasted in their shells, foil-wrapped candies, sweetmeats, chocolate bark, Medjool dates stuffed with almond paste— just lots of tasty little tidbits, sweet but not too sweet. (Be sure to have nutcrackers.) Whether the platter stays on the table or migrates closer to the fire, know that people like to linger and pick at this and that, and continue hanging out together instead of just going home.

Depart from the traditional menu if you’re tired of the candied yams and creamed onions. There are hundreds of ways each vegetable that comes your way can be prepared. You can also depart from the (heritage) turkey. One year we grilled local sausages and onions, and it was so refreshing to forget the standard menu, stand in the snow grilling, then sit down to what was both a special and not-so-special meal. It was simple but it was still Thanksgiving.

Sam Fromartz, author of Organic, Inc. and a forthcoming book about bakers, bread, and baking

Thanksgiving’s always a time to stretch your cooking skills, considering it’s probably the only time of the year you roast a turkey. With everything else going on—- mashed potatoes perhaps, stuffing, pies—who has time to think of anything else? But I’d say that Thanksgiving is a perfect time to try and make some soft rolls timed to come out of the oven just before dinner. So how do you do that without going crazy?

First find a simple recipe for rolls, preferably with a little butter or olive oil that lightens up the dough. While whole grains are all the rage these days, you don’t want a hefty, gut-filling roll with this meal, so I’d go light and stick with white flour.

Now here’s the key. To avoid angst, mix the dough one or even two days before the big event (ie, on Tuesday or Wednesday night). Stick the dough in the refrigerator and ignore it while you go crazy with everything else. Thursday afternoon, when all the heavy lifting is done with the rest of the meal, take the dough out, let it warm up a bit, and form rolls. Let them rise for another hour or so, then slip them into the oven, already preheated by the now-done turkey. The rolls will bake in 15 to 20 minutes. Serve them to your guests hot—they’ll smear them with gravy and turkey.

This “delayed fermentation”  technique will work with nearly any bread recipe—I like the look of Dan Leader’s Ciabatta Rolls [PDF] and Saveur’s refrigerator rolls—and the taste of the bread will only improve with it. That’s why many French bakers use it for making baguettes.

Samin Nosrat, chef, freelance writer, and cofounder of San Francisco’s Pop-Up General Store

Since my parents came over to California from Iran right before I was born, I grew up eating pretty traditional Persian food. We didn’t celebrate Thanksgiving at my house, so by the time I left for college and eventually became a cook, I was starved for all of the regular standbys. I now look forward to eating all of the classics each year, from turkey to cranberry sauce, and most especially stuffing. Oh, stuffing!

The great thing about not growing up with Thanksgiving is that I don’t have any emotional attachments to particular recipes, and each year brings with it a new opportunity to show off our incredible Northern California seasonal bounty. My favorite thing to do is to try to squeeze in everything beautiful and delicious that I can, from chicory salads with pomegranates, new-crop walnuts, and persimmons, to all sorts of roasted heirloom squashes drizzled with honey and chilies. Oh, and I can’t forget platters of boiled first-of-the-season Dungeness crab with drawn butter.

The biggest challenge isn’t deciding what to make, but figuring out how to get it all onto the table!

Marissa Guggiana, author of Primal Cuts: Cooking With America’s Best Butchers and editor of Meatpaper

I always buy a heritage-breed turkey. In part because one of the things I am most thankful for is the amazing diversity of our ecosystem, and in part because I cannot abide dry breast meat. Heritage birds are generally smaller-breasted and fattier, so they roast more like a chicken. My friend Christian Caiazzo, the chef at Osteria Stellina in Point Reyes, Calif., suggests combating the disappointing dryness by boning out the entire bird and fileting it, stuffing it, and making it into a roll. If you tie it like a roast, you will have gorgeous pinwheels of turkey while keeping the traditional role of stuffing in the meal (plus no performance anxiety when it’s time to carve!).

Related Links:

Turkey can be climate friendly; spinach, not so much [AUDIO]

Grist readers and staff share their renegade Thanksgiving plans

Giving thanks—to turkeys, without flinching [VIDEO]

Source: http://feeds.grist.org/click.phdo?i=ee4318ac8f0db67a6cf9d27bdc13c7bb


Week In Politics: Korean Unease, Lame Duck Congress

In our political roundtable this week, guest host Mary Louise Kelly speaks with E.J. Dionne of The Washington Post and Matthew Continetti of the Weekly Standard about how Washington should respond to bellicose North Korea. They also look ahead to how the lame duck session is shaping up in Congress.

Source: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=131612219&ft=1&f=1014


How to Judge a Dance Contest, Accurately

A critical look at the show's scoring system.

Source: http://fivethirtyeight.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/11/26/how-to-judge-a-dance-contest-fairly/