Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Sarah Palin's War of Words with Wall St. Journal Reporter

By Mark Berman Opposing Views

Sarah Palin is involved is yet another war of words, this one with a reporter for The Wall Street Journal. It all started when the reporter dared to say that Palin was wrong about a fact in her speech, and it has escalated into who is really right.

During a recent speech about economic policy, Palin said  "everyone who ever goes out shopping for groceries knows that prices have risen significantly over the past year or so."

The Journal reporter Sudeep Reddy took issue with that assertion, writing on Monday that "Grocery prices haven't risen all that significantly, in fact." He notes that prices have actually increased only 0.6 percent over the past year, which is the lowest bump in nearly two decades.

But Palin is not one to let things go that easily. In a post on Facebook titled "Do Wall Street Journal Reporters Read the Wall Street Journal?," Palin wrote:

Mr. Reddy takes aim at this. He writes: “Grocery prices haven’t risen all that significantly, in fact.” Really? That’s odd, because just last Thursday, November 4, I read an article in Mr. Reddy’s own Wall Street Journal titled “Food Sellers Grit Teeth, Raise Prices: Packagers and Supermarkets Pressured to Pass Along Rising Costs, Even as Consumers Pinch Pennies.”

The article noted that “an inflationary tide is beginning to ripple through America's supermarkets and restaurants…Prices of staples including milk, beef, coffee, cocoa and sugar have risen sharply in recent months.”

Now I realize I’m just a former governor and current housewife from Alaska, but even humble folks like me can read the newspaper. I’m surprised a prestigious reporter for the Wall Street Journal doesn’t.

Reddy then took to Twitter to respond to Palin. He said she actually misread the article to which she was referring. Reddy said the article's first sentence discusses "the tamest year of food pricing in nearly two decades."

He added that while the article admits the cost of goods has risen, store owners have not yet decided whether to pass that cost along to customers. So Palin's alleged price hike hasn't happened yet. She didn't mention any of that.

On Wednesday, Reddy has responded in The Journal to Palin's Facebook post. He cited Labor Department data to reiterate that Palin's argument about food prices is not true: 

Weak demand, high unemployment and thrifty shoppers have led retailers to keep many prices from rising despite the rising cost of some commodities, including coffee and sugar. ... Critics of the Fed's quantitative easing policy are focused primarily on concerns about potential future inflation.

By the way, never accuse Palin of biting the hand that feeds her. Palin is a paid contributor for Fox News, whose parent company also owns The Wall Street Journal.



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