Monday, November 29, 2010

Toddler Dies After Drinking Methadone From Sippy Cup

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Toddler Dies After Drinking Methadone from Sippy Cup

Two-year-old Masia Wright died after ingesting a lethal amount of the drug methadone from his sippy cup. Investigators in Jacksonville, Fla., say that the toddler managed to get his hands on a sippy cup with methadone after his dad's girlfriend, Dana Anderson, left it on top of her four-foot-tall dresser.

The child's father, Ernest Wright, insists that Anderson could have never harmed the toddler intentionally. The grieving dad spoke to WJXT-TV about the tragic accident, "I just want everybody to know it was an accident she would never do nothing like that." Wright claims that his girlfriend treated his son as if he were one of her own children.

Methadone is used as a pain reliever and is often given as part of a drug-addiction detoxification and maintenance program. According to police reports, the amount of the drug, 80 milligrams, that was discovered in the toddler's sippy cup was four times the recommended daily dose for an adult.

Reportedly, Anderson has had prior arrests and some were drug related.

Anderson, who admitted to police investigators that she left the fatal substance in the sippy cup, was charged with aggravated manslaughter.

Bail for Anderson is set at $1 million.


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